Dear Friends in Christ,

Welcome to, a site where I will seek to share the joy and love of Jesus Christ through my personal reflections on the Good News of the Gospel and our faith as Catholics.

✠ Bishop Strickland

Dear Friends in Christ,

Welcome to, a site where I will seek to share the joy and love of Jesus Christ through my personal reflections on the Good News of the Gospel and our faith as Catholics.

✠ Bishop Strickland

News & Notes

Upon this Rock I will build my Church

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Letter from July 1, Upon this Rock I will build my Church.  

This is also available drectly on my substack, bishopjosephstrickland


Wednesday, July 24, 2024


Letter from July 18

This is also available drectly on my substack


A Sacred Pause

Wednesday, June 05, 2024



Psalm 33:11 – “But the plan of the Lord stands forever, the designs of his heart through all generations.”


There is a storm coming – the likes of which has never been seen upon the Earth. The Church, the Brideof Christ, has weathered quite a few squalls and gales, and although many of these have left the ship damaged at times and taking on water, each time the Master shipbuilder has restored her... Read More

A statement on Sedevacantism

Thursday, May 09, 2024

Just Folllowing Orders

Saturday, May 04, 2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,


“Roma locuta; causa finita est!” “Rome has spoken; the matter is finished!” 


In these pastoral letters that I have been publishing, I have been writing about many issues that we are facing in what is an ever-growing crisis in the Church and in the world. As a Catholic bishop, my primary concern is always the Church—the Mystical Body of Christ—but it is clear that the present crisis in whic... Read More

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